Portfolio Mock Assignment

Due Tuesday, October 1, 2019 by noon

In this assignment you will design your own personal website. Your end task is to share a Figma file with me (freedmand@temple.edu) that contains your mocked-up website. I also want you to share with me an example of someone’s personal portfolio website online that you admire (just send me the URL by email).


  • It may help to write the content for the website separately outside of Figma first. In these situations, I often draft the content in Google Docs and then paste it into Figma.
  • It may help to sketch the website by hand on paper first.
  • You may want to use multiple frames in Figma to test out different iterations. If you are feeling ambitious, you can design a multi-page website with multiple frames representing each page (a single-page website is good, too).
  • Generally try to keep your color palette small. There’s no hard rule on this, but the fewer colors you have the better it will usually end up looking (Google’s logo is terrible according to some designers because of how many colors are going on).
  • Keep your font palette small. Generally, I use no more than two fonts (one for headers and one for content). Often it’s just one font. Make sure you don’t have too many different font sizes either. Here’s a fun online website on typography you may enjoy.